With marketing costs spiraling out of control, using measurable direct-response marketing to evaluate the return on your marketing dollars, is more critical now than ever.
On top of this, no matter how many bells and whistles you're using to get your prospect's attention, making an emotional connection is the most effective and reliable way of captivating prospects.
"People make buying decisions based on emotional factors. They may rationalize them later with logic, but all buying decisions are initially made to satisfy emotional needs. Doesn't matter whether it's vanity, greed, hope, or fear of loss -- pushing the right emotional buy-buttons is going to be a critical component of your success in 2010."
One of ten marketing tips for 2010 from Craig Garber aka King of Copy.
Author and lead generation marketing specialist Craig Garber from kingofcopy.com has just released his annual "Top 10 Ways Entrepreneurs Will (And Won't) Be Making Money In 2010" list. Garber is the author of "How To Make MaximumMoney With Minimum Customers: 21 Proven Direct-Marketing Strategies Anyone Can Use" and he has some compelling picks this year.
George Torok
Marketing Speaker
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