My research and experience includes interviews with over 450 business leaders, my consulting work, travel through 35 countries, market research and my experience from building my own business.
I have noticed that following a system is critical to success in life and any field of business – especially marketing.Too many people fail when they try to run their life, their business or their marketing by the seat of their pants. They make the mistake of believing that luck, talent and flitting about will pull them through.
What a mistake and what a shame. They fail quickly - especially in an unpredictable environment. Sometimes you get lucky but luck can and does change quickly. Counting on luck is a disastrous marketing strategy.
Follow good systems in every area of your business – especially your marketing.
When you are ready to witness the power of systems first hand – visit Las Vegas. It is a city that is built on systems. The hotels and casinos follow systems with a robotic obedience. First they designed powerful systems and then they follow them. Walk through the casinos and watch how they do things. They follow terrific systems. And they make money.
If you want to make money like the Las Vegas casinos apply these five rules in your marketing systems.
The fundamentals for a good system are the same in any field.Rules to a Successful (Marketing) System
1. A system is a process. It is the means to the end. It is not the goal. Be clear on the purpose of your system. That will keep you focused and motivated. When the system is not working – change it.
2. A system is built on a key principle or set of principles. These are fundamental truths that are transferrable across industries. The principle answers the question “Why?”
3. A system is a set of habits and routines. Almost like a series of logic statements; if this condition exists then do that. A system is not dependant on how you feel. That’s why you get consistency.
4. A system must be persistent and consistent. This is closely related to the previous point. Don’t expect 100% success. The system works because of the numbers. You win some and you lose some. The better that you apply your system the more you will win.
5. Measure your results. Systems are created imperfect. Record your results, analyze them and adjust your system to produce better results. That’s the way pilots fly planes. They set a course, see how they are doing and adjust the controls to stay on course.
Where do you want to improve your business? Create and follow a system to achieve your goals.
Follow these five rules and you will build good systems.
Build your marketing systems by indentifying important marketing principles. Then create and follow a process based on that principle. If the principle is sound then build the process and follow it religiously.
Remember that following an imperfect system is better than having no system. Building your business and marketing systems will lead you to more success.
© George Torok wrote the book on marketing systems – Secrets of Power Marketing. It is the first guide to personal marketing for the non-marketer. Get your free copy of “50 Power Marketing Ideas” at Arrange for a keynote speech, marketing briefing or media interview by calling 905-335-1997 or visiting
Five Rules to Building Your Successfull Marketing System
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