Friday, April 24, 2009

The Nerve of Some People

My dad has an expression that he says when ever he learns of some bold and obnoxious action by someone.

"The nerve of some people"

That was what I was thinking when I read this email from someone asking for my help.

What would you have said?

I cut and pasted it so the spelling errors are those of the writer. I also reduced the name to initials only.

Dear Mr, George Torok,

Nice meeting you. Am a new subscriber to your resourceful site, and I have gotten so much helpful information from it.

Am a student , and i need your help. Please help me with a write up on this question; " Is Marketing an art or a science? Explain."Please help me with 10 - 12 pages of this, or as much as you can.

I will be waiting to hear from you soon.Once again, thanks for the helpful information in your wonderful site. I have lean a lot on marketing from it.

yours sincerely


Here is my reply

You must be kidding.

If you are a student then you know that for me to write an article for you would be cheating.

If you are a student then I am not happy about you reading my material with the approach you have taken. I wonder if you will properly credit your sources.

I would prefer if you "unsubscribe" from my site.

If you are a student then you would know that the role of a student is to learn how to learn and how to think.

If you are not a student then I am happy to quote you my fee for an article of this nature would cost around $10,000.
Payable in full in advance.

If this was a joke - ha ha.



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