Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Power Marketing Tip - Marketing Channels

Power Marketing Tip

Market on many channels.

Why should you market on many channels? Because it helps build stronger credibility and relationships.
George Torok

Read the rest below...

The more channels on which we hear your message – the more it appears that many voices speak for you. In today’s world of marketing madness – it helps us when we see or hear a familiar face, name or message.

What marketing channels might you select from?

Nothing beats face to face. It conveys the strongest warmth and memorability. Yet it is the most costly in terms of time and money.

Make phone calls to stay in contact. To save time make some calls when you know your contact is out so you can leave a short voice message.

A brief hand written note is personal and powerful. It can take the form of a note or post card.

Direct mail still works. Yet it is costly and often does not get read.

Email is efficient with an established contact but it lacks warmth. And increasingly it does not get received nor read.

Blogging is gaining business acceptance. It is an efficient way to convey both helpful information and warmth.

Of course there are many more channels including the traditional media of print, radio and TV. Send your marketing message on more than one channel. Review and test your marketing channels. Explore new channels.

Don't fall in love with the channel. Getting your message to your market is the goal.

If you enjoyed and used ideas from the special report "50 Power Marketing Ideas", please let me know. I will add your comments to my website.

PS: Check out the new ebook "Your Guide to Networking Success"

Call George Torok for help with your marketing challenges. 905-335-1997

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