Monday, June 02, 2008

YouTube video for marketing

YouTube video for marketing

Should you post a video on YouTube to promote your business?

Like many things about the social networking websites of the Internet - the answer is yes and maybe.

Yes, because it is another way to distribute your message. Yes because if you have an interesting video or a message worth hearing then some will see your video and if they like it they will tell others. If it is poignant or controversial bloggers might even post it on their blog and comment for their blog readers.

Yes, because it is inexpensive and easy to do. It is free to post the video. Your cost is the use of a video camera and perhaps video editing software and some time.

Maybe, because you don't want to say or do something that will alienate your clients. But that is no different from any public appearance that you make. You want to be on message for networking events, media interviews and public speaking.

Just because some folks post embarassing videos dosen't mean that you need to join that club. Make a boring video - as long as you stay on message. Of course an interesting video is better.

I've just started experimenting with YouTube video and recently posted a dozen videos. They range from about 30 seconds to seven minutes.

You can view them at my YouTube channel here.

Below are a couple of the videos that you will find.


This first video is me talking to the camera while on the street in downtown Toronto.

This second video is a excerpt from my presentation. This segment is about the power of perception and highlights Coke's use of perception to sell Coke for alot more money than it costs to produce it.

Click here to view the rest of my YouTube videos.

George Torok
Toronto Convention Speaker
Motivational Business Speaker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello George.

Thank you for share your videos.
You are a great teacher for me and I learn every day with your blog.

Have a nice day.