Thursday, November 27, 2008

Best Subject lines for email newsletters

Best Subject Lines for Email Newsletters

If you want to get more of your email opened then read this study from Marketing Sherpa.

MarketingSherpa recently pored over a year’s worth of data on our weekly newsletter subject lines. We learned a lot about what we’ve been doing right, and what could use some improvement. We wanted to share our findings with you – our faithful readers. Check out the four big takeaways and take advantage of our subject-line ‘Aha!’ moment.
The year long study indentified the four best ways to improve readership of emails. Here is an excerpt on the first tip.

Takeaway #1. Show value in the first two words

Sherpa’s top subject-line performers showed that pushing the value of a particular newsletter in the first two words was optimal. Meinhart recommends having your subject line writer focus on what *exactly* those first two words should be.

To illustrate the importance of those initial words, here are the 10 top-performing subject lines in the 12-month time period:

  1. Top 12 Email Newsletter Mistakes
  2. Simple Email Link Change Lifts Clicks
  3. CAN-SPAM - Must-Know Updates
  4. Best Time to Send Email: Test Results
  5. 6 Actions to Lift Clickthroughs: New Data
  6. Your Copy of Annual Email Study Results Enclosed
  7. HTML vs Text: Which Works Better?
  8. Newsletter Design Exclusive Data
  9. Email Audit PDF: How-to & Checklist
  10. How to Conduct Email Surveys

Read the rest of this study at Marketing Sherpa.

Free acess to this report is open until Decemeber 2, 2008.

George Torok
Co-author of Secrets of Power Marketing
Business Speaker


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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